Who we are
Weed Wrangle® is a grassroots project whose whose success is built in small measures - one weed, one volunteer at a time. This project idea emerged in 2014 from discussions between members of The Garden Club of Nashville, a member of The Garden Club of America and the Friends of Warner Parks about the number of invasive weed pulls that were being hosted sporadically around the city of Nashville. The Garden Club of Nashville coordinated efforts of local parks and green spaces to discuss the idea of having a one-day education and eradication event, city-wide, with a media blitz. Years later, this grassroots project is now in multiple states and growing invasively, like a weed!
To establish partnerships that connect volunteers and public lands for the purpose of education and eradication of non-native invasive plant species followed with the planned restoration of native plant communities.
To promote Weed Wrangle® as a nationwide structure for organizing all eradication events on public lands including national, state and city parks with the goals of increasing participation and public awareness about the threats from non-native invasive species, eradicating those plant populations and replacing them with natives.
Weed Wrangle® is a Garden Club of America stewardship program for all communities.
Founded in 1913, The Garden Club of America is a volunteer, nonprofit 501(c)3 organization comprised of 200 member clubs and approximately18,000 club members throughout the country. The purpose of The Garden Club of America is to stimulate the knowledge and love of gardening, to share the advantages of association by means of educational meetings, conferences, correspondence, and publications, and to restore, improve, and protect the quality of the environment through educational programs and action in the fields of conservation and civic improvement.
Building on a century of conservation efforts, the GCA supports legislation promoting botanical research and native plants.
The GCA has 9 Position Papers that summarize issues that are top priority. These Position Papers are jointly produced by the GCA's National Affairs & Legislation and Conservation Committees and approved by the GCA’s Executive Board. One such paper is the Native Plants Position Paper.
The Garden Club of Nashville, organized April 30, 1928, became a member of The Garden Club of America in 1932. The object is to promote interest in gardens, their design, culture and management, and to cooperate in the protection of wildflowers, native plants, trees, birds and in the interest of civic affairs. As a member club of The Garden Club of America, it is also our purpose to cooperate with the goals of The Garden Club of America.
The success of Weed Wrangle® as a volunteer effort is due in large part to the generosity of Steve Manning and Lee Patrick of Invasive Plant Control, Inc. IPC is one of only a few companies in the United States whose sole purpose is the management of Invasive Species nationwide.